Guangxi Wuzhou Geoffering Company Ltd (China)
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Guangxi Wuzhou Geoffering Co Ltd (China)

China thermoplasic pipe fittings


Type Diameter (mm) Packing
Pieces per carton
Reduced planar cross
75x50 72
110x50 45
110x75 20

Stereo double tee

110 20
Socket plug
50 240
75 120
110 60
160 30
Vent cowl
50 300
75 200
110 80
160 36
Water-seal floor drain
50 75
75 36
110 35
Simple floor drain
50 140
75 75
110 70
Circular roof drain
110 36

Connector for toilet bowl

Square roof drain
110 32
Pipe clip
(with expansionary bolt)
50 200
75 100
110 100
160 50
50 100
75 40
110 20
Trap with door
50 100
75 40
110 20
135 Deg.P-Trap
50 55
75 30
110 20
135 Deg.P-Trap with door
50 45
75 28
110 18
Circular-bottom P-Trap
50 60
75 37
110 22
Circular_bottom P-Trap
with door
50 50
75 33
110 18
50 45
75 31
110 16
S-Trap with door
50 39
75 24
110 17

Thermoplasic pipe fittings page 1

PVC fittings

Copyright © China Guangxi Wuzhou Geoffering Co Ltd